OPERATION - 22 January-18 February 2023


On January 22, Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse.

On January 25, Ocean Viking evacuates 95 people from a rubber boat in distress. survivors report that several people had fallen overboard from the boat in distress prior to Ocean Viking’s RHIBs arrival. Ocean Viking searchs for the reported missing persons for hours, to no avail. Ocean Viking sends a request for a place of safety for all survivors onboard. Italian authorities designate Carrara as port of disembarkation for the 95 survivors onboard.

On January 29, Ocean Viking completes the disembarkation of all 95 survivors in the port of Carrara, Italy.

On February 4, Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse, setting sail towards the central Mediterranean.

On February 5, Ocean Viking is engaged in a search for a boat reported in distress by an unidentified source.

On February 6, after numerous failed attempts to obtain information and coordination of the SAR event, MTRCC informs Ocean Viking that the event is being coordinated and that no assistance is required from Ocean Viking. Ocean Viking resumes her Course towards the area of operation.

On February 9, Ocean Viking seeks Shelter from bad weather in the port of Trapani, Sicily.

On February 11, Ocean Viking leaves the port of Trapani, setting sail towards the central Mediterranean.

On February 14, Ocean Viking evacuates 84 people from a rubber boat in distress.

On February 18, Ocean Viking completes the disembarkation of all 84 survivors in the port of Ravenna, Italy.

January 22, 2023

12:41 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse, Sicily.

36 43N 015 41E

36 42N 015 42E

January 23, 2023

34 36 N 015 02 E

34 35 N 015 02 E

January 24, 2023

Ocean Viking in position 33 03 N 014 42 E receives an email from Alarm Phone addressed to Tripoli JRCCITMRCC and MTRCC, alerting to a black rubber boat in distress, with the following location: 33 18 N 012 07 E (130 Nm from OV position).

Geo Barents informs Ocean Viking she intends to provide assistance to the black rubber boat in distress (she is 10 Nm away from distress case).

Reported distress position: 33 32 N 011 46 E

Ocean Viking position: 33 08 N 014 30 E (140 NM away from the reported distress position)

The Geo Barents informs that she is close to the reported distress position.

10:18 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email sent by Geo Barents to LYJRCC, ITMRCC and MTRCC informing that she altered course towards the reported distress position.

No clear reported distress position. Ocean Viking doesn’t have enough information to engage in a SAR (Search and Rescue) operation.

Reported distress position: 34 53 41.5 N 011 26 03.1 E

Ocean Viking is more than 150NM away.

No clear reported distress position. Ocean Viking doesn’t have enough information to engage in a SAR Operation.

Last Known Position: 33 38 N 011 47 E

Reported interception position: 33 23 N 012 07 E

No clear reported distress position. Ocean Viking doesn’t have enough information to engage in a SAR Operation.

January 25, 2023

Reported distress position: N 033°010’044.449” E012°027’012.455”

Ocean Viking position: 33 15 N 014 03 E (80 Nm away)

GB is closer to the distress case (50NM away) and altered her Course towards the reported distress position.

Reported distress position: 33 43 38.84 N 012 23 01.39 E

Ocean Viking position: 33 12 N 014 15 E (100 NM away)

07:13 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email sent by Geo Barents to LYJRCC, ITMRCC and MTRCC informing that she is initiating search for the last reported boat in distress alerted to by Alarm Phone.

No reported distress position. OV does not have enough information to engage in SAR Operation.

09:10 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email sent by Geo Barents to LYJRCC, ITMRCC and MTRCC informing of the completion of the evacuation of 67 people (boat in distress alerted to by Alarm Phone at 07:01am)

Updated distress position: 33 17 N 012 51 E

Ocean Viking position: 33 11.6 N 014 16.0 E

Reported distress position: in position 33 29 N 013 59 E.

11:04 Ocean Viking calls LYJRCC to report the distress alert by phone. No answer.

Ocean Viking position: 33 20 N 014 10 E

Reported distress position: 33 29 N 013 59 E

11:26 Ocean Viking calles LYJRCC via Sat Phone. No answer.

Ocean Viking is about 15 Nm away from the reported distress case.

Updated distress position: 33 33 N 014 00 E

Updated distress position: 33 34 N 014 00 E

Boat stationary, unstable, engine stopped, low/minimal Freeboard, pontoons bending with lot of pressure.

There is a reasonable certainty that the persons on board are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost and may require immediate assistance.

The blue rubber boat is overcrowded, unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, with a very low Freeboard and taking in water, about 85 people on board, presence of at least 2 babies, 4 children, women, no lifejackets, all exposed to the elements and these people are requiring to be rescued.

13:17 Ocean Viking calls the LYJRCC. No answer.

The persons on board are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost and require immediate assistance.

Reported distress position: 33 26 15 32 N 013 59 12 65 E (Blue rubber boat – 85 PoB)

13:35 Libyan patrol vessel 660 arrives on scene. Ocean Viking establishes VHF 16 communication to inform about her capacity to perform the rescue and safely recover everyone.
14:00 All survivors are evacuated on board Ocean Viking’s three RHIBs. Disembarkation of survivors on Ocean Viking not possible due to Patrol Vessel 660 presence on Ocean Viking starboard side.
14:15 All 95 survivors are evacuated on board Ocean Viking. Recovering of the RHIBS impossible due to Libyan Patrol Vessel 660 high speed manoeuvres, generating big waves.

Rescue position: 33 34.7 N 014 02.5 E

Ocean Viking has reasons to believe that this case matches open case from Watch the Med Alarm Phone case AP0110 with a similar position and a similar type of boat and PoB.

Latitude: 33.578333
Longitude: 12.041666
14:37 Ocean Viking informs LYJRCC via email, with ITMRCC and MTRCC in copy, of the completion of the evacuation.
15:20 Survivors on Ocean Viking reported that five or six persons fell overboard from the rubber boat in distress prior to Ocean Viking Rhibs arrival on scene. Ocean Viking returns to the rescue position to start a search pattern.
15:25 Ocean Viking calls LYJRCC to report the situation. No answer.
15:30 Ocean Viking reports the situation to LYJRCC via email.

No clear reported distress position.

Ocean Viking position: 33 28.5 N 014 00.5 E

Patrol vessel 660 and Patrol vessel 648 are in the vicinity of Ocean Viking.

Ocean Viking tries to establish communication on VHF ch16 to request cooperation for the search. No answer.

Reported distress position: 34 ?9.46 N 011 58.85 E (Black plastic)

Ocean Viking position 33 24.9 N 013 59.0 E.

19:10 Ocean Viking informs LYJRCC of the end of the unsuccessful search via email.

Reported distress position is unclear, with incorrect numbers.

21:55 Ocean Viking sends a request for a Place of Safety for the 95 survivors onboard via email to LYJRCC, with ITMRCC and MTRCC in copy.
23:33 Ocean Viking receives an email from ITMRCC designating Carrara as port of disembarkation for the 95 survivors onboard.

January 26, 2023

00:39 Ocean Viking informs ITMRCC ETA for Carrara port of disembarkation and change course North

No reported distress position.

No reported distress position.

January 29, 2023

15:35 Ocean Viking arrives in the port of Carrara, Italy.
17:00 Disembarkation of the 95 survivors onboard Ocean Viking starts in the port of Carrara, Italy.
19:33 Disembarkation in the port of Carrara, Italy, of all 95 survivors onboard Ocean Viking is completed.

January 30, 2023

13:17 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Carrara for Syracuse.

February 2, 2023

07:49 Ocean Viking arrives in Syracuse, Italy.

February 4, 2023

11:35 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse.
15:10 Ocean Viking starts drills at sea.
17:10 Rhib drills completed.

February 5, 2023

14:47 Ocean Viking starts drills at sea.
16:49 Rhib drills completed.

Reported distress position: 34 59 N 016 22 E  

Ocean Viking position: 34 22 N 014 06 E 

21:23 After several attempts to obtain coordination of the SAR event from MTRCC via Satellite Phone, Ocean Viking sends an email to MTRCC and ITMRCC seeking information and coordination of the reported distress case. 

Ocean Viking position: 34 15.2 N 014 03.3 E 

While on Course towards the reported distress position, Ocean Viking establishes contact with the ship VSC Triton, in the vicinity of the reported boat in distress. VSC Triton informs Ocean Viking that she is requested by Malta RCC to investigate the reported distress case and provide a situation report. 

Unable to obtain instruction from Malta RCC, Ocean Viking keeps proceeding towards the reported distress position. 

February 6, 2023

07:27 After several failed attempts to obtain information and coordination of the SAR event by MTRCC throughout the whole night, Ocean Viking calls again MTRCC via Satellite Phone. A duty Officer replies that MTRCC is coordinating the event and that no assistance is required from Ocean Viking.  

Ocean Viking position: 34 47.1 N 015 50.0 E 

February 7, 2023

18:00 Ocean Viking sets sail towards Sicily, to seek shelter from bad weather.

February 9, 2023

08:29 Ocean Viking starts drills at sea.
10:33 Rhib drills completed.
14:00 Ocean Viking arrives in Trapani, Italy, sheltering from bad weather.

February 11, 2023

07:04 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Trapani.
15:50 Ocean Viking starts drills at sea.
20:16 Drills completed.

February 13, 2023

11:37 Ocean Viking sails past a half sunk rubber boat, only the bow is still afloat.

February 14, 2023

Ocean Viking position: 33 17 N 013 58 E

Reported distress position: N 33 081675, E 014 12084

There is a reasonable certainty that the persons on board the case boat are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost at sea and require immediate assistance.

Updated distress postion: N 33 081675, E 014 12084

Ocean Viking position 33 16 N 014 00 E (approx 20 Nm away from the reported distress case)

Ocean Viking position: 33 13 N 014 14 E

06:48 Ocean Viking calls LYJRCC via Satellite Phone. The line cuts.
06:50 OV is 3 Nm away from the boat potentially in distress and observes that the boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded with about 80 people on board, all exposed to the elements, no LSA available.

Ocean Viking position 33 12 N 014 16 E

07:00 Ocean Viking RHIBs are being launched for closer assessment of the rubber boat possibly in distress.
07:10 Ocean Viking RHIBs assessed the following situation from the water: the rubber boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, highly overcrowded with about 90 people on board, exposed to the elements, no Life Saving Appliances available. People onboard are requiring to be rescued.
07:14 Ocean Viking calls LYJRCC via Satellite Phone. No Answer.

Ocean Viking position: 33 11 N 014 16 E

Rescue position: 33 11 N 014 16 E

Latitude: 33.18333
Longitude: 14.26666
08:19 Ocean Viking sends an email to LYJRCC, with ITMRCC and MTRCC in copy, informing of the completion of the recovery operation and requests for a Place of Safety.
09:25 Ocean Viking sends a MIR and a request for a Place of Safety for the 84 survivors onboard via email to LYJRCC, with ITMRCC and MTRCC in copy.
09:55 Ocean Viking receives an email from ITMRCC designating Ravenna as port of disembarkation for the 84 survivors onboard.
10:45 Ocean Viking informs ITMRCC with ETA for Ravenna port of disembarkation, sends requested information and changes course North

February 18, 2023

11:50 Ocean Viking arrives in the port of Ravenna, Italy.
12:43 Disembarkation of the 84 survivors onboard Ocean Viking starts in the port of Ravenna, Italy.