OPERATION - 26 May - 01 June 2024

May 26, 2024

07:30 Ocean Viking arrives in Syracuse.

May 27, 2024

09:30 Rhibs are launched for drills.
12:05 Rhibs are recovered.
14:00 Rhibs are launched for more drills.
16:30 Rhibs are recovered.
20:40 Rhibs are launched for night drills.
21:30 Rhibs are recovered. Ocean Viking starts proceeding South.

May 28, 2024

Ocean Viking  in position 33 51 ’N 014 37’E

09:51 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone Tripoli JRCC to inform about the distress alerts and the ability of Ocean Viking to assist. The call received no answer.
09:54 Ocean Viking sends an email to Tripoli JRCC with ITMRCC and Malta RCC in copy informing about the distress case.

Ocean Viking in position 33 41 N 014 27 E

11:01 While engaged in the SAR operation for the recovery of 41 shiwprecked persons, Ocean Viking receives a distress alert by email from Alarm Phone.

“Dear Sirs, Madams,

At 09:00 UTC MV Ocean Viking is 5 NM from the subject boat and observes what follows:
the wooden boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded with all people exposed to the elements, no Life Saving Appliances available.

There is a reasonable certainty that the persons on board are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost and may require immediate assistance.

MV Ocean Viking RHIBs are going to be launched for closer assessment. Your RCC will be kept informed of observations and actions undertaken.
Please acknowledge receipt of this message.
Best regards”

11:32 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone Tripoli JRCC to inform about the situation and the ability of Ocean Viking to assist the people in distress. The call received no answer.

The wooden boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded with about 40 people on board, all exposed to the elements, no Life Saving Appliances available, some people require immediate medical assistance.

“Dear Sirs, Madams,

Please be informed that at 09:41 Z Ocean Viking RHIBs assessed the situation: the wooden boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded with about 40 people on board, all exposed to the elements, no Life Saving Appliances available, some people require immediate medical assistance.

These people are requesting to be rescued.

It is ascertained that the distress phase exists as the persons on board are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost and require immediate assistance.

At 09:32 UTC MV Ocean Viking called via Sat Phone competent RCC; No Answer

This is a case of force majeure (ref. SOLAS Art. IV (b)) imposing to retrieve persons in danger of being lost at sea, as stipulated by the relevant International Maritime Conventions, therefore MV Ocean Viking will proceed to the assistance of these persons in distress, while keeping competent RCCs duly informed.

Please acknowledge receipt of this message.
Best regards”

Ocean Viking in position 33 45 N 014 23 E

Latitude: 33.75
Longitude: 14.383333333333333
12:18 Ocean Viking sends an email to Tripoli RCC with ITMRCC and Malta RCC in copy informing of the completion of the recovery.
12:44 Ocean Viking receives an email from ITMRCC assigning Ancona as a Place of Safety for the 41 survivors onboard.
12:52 Ocean Viking calls MRCC Rome Via Satphone to offer her assistance regarding the distress case alerted by Alarm Phone. Ocean Viking is instructed to call back.
12:58 Ocean Viking calls Tripoli JRCC Via Satphone to offer her assistance regarding the distress case alerted by Alarm Phone. Communication was broken.

“Dear Sirs, Madams,

At 09:22 UTC Ocean Viking, in position 33 42 N 014 24 E, received by email a distress alert from Watch the Med-Alarm Phone.

There is a reasonable certainty that the persons on board the case boat are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost at sea and require immediate assistance.

At 10:58 UTC MV Ocean Viking called via Sat Phone Tripoli JRCC; broken communication.

MV Ocean Viking is able to offer assistance to the persons in distress, about 55 NM away. With best ETA to last known position 1700h UTC

MV Ocean Viking will keep you informed.

Please acknowledge receipt of this message and inform of your SAR action plan.
Best regards”

13:07 Ocean Viking calls MRCC Rome Via Satphone. MRCC Rome instructs Ocean Viking to proceed to last known position of the Alarm Phone distress case for assessment.
16:10 Ocean Viking receives an email from ITMRCC providing an updated position for the distress case and instructs Ocean Viking to proceed.

“Dear duty officer,

We appreciate your effort on the coordination of this case. We are proceeding to DC AP661 as instructed. ETA to updated position 2030 UTC.

Best regards”

19:04 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email from Alarm Phone, addressed to Italian and Maltese RCCs, giving an updated position of the distress case.
20:04 Ocean Viking calls MRCC Rome Via Satphone to inform on the updated position for distress case received from Alarm Phone. MRCC Rome confirms updated position and instructs Ocean Viking to proceed towards it..

May 29, 2024

Ocean Viking in position 35 15 (N) 015 51 (E)

01:52 Ocean Viking calls MRCC Rome Via Satphone to inform on the situation. MRCC Rome instructs Ocean Viking to proceed for the assessment of distress case and the recovery of the people in distress.

“Dear Sirs, Madams,

At 23:50 UTC on the 28th May 2024 MV Ocean Viking is about 7 NM from last known position of subject boat and observes what follows:

Small blinking white light on the horizon not matching with any known vessel in the area, vessel’s navigational lights or navigational aid lights. There is reasonable certainty to believe this light belongs to distress case AP661.

At 23:52 UTC on the 28th May 2024 MV Ocean Viking contacted ITMRCC via Satellite phone to inform on above events. As per ITMRCC instructions MV Ocean Viking RHIBs are going to be launched for closer assessment and to recover the people in distress.

Your RCC will be kept informed of observations and actions undertaken.
Best regards”

02:44 Ocean Viking RHIBs are launched for a closer assessment.

The white fiberglass boat unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded with about 25 people on board, all exposed to the elements, no fuel, no Life Saving Appliances available.

03:00 Ocean Viking calls MRCC Rome Via Satphone to inform about the assessment. MRCC Rome confirms instructions to proceed with the recovery of the people in distress and requested to keep being informed.

“Dear Sirs, Madams,

Please be informed that at 00:53 Z Ocean Viking RHIBs assessed the situation: the fiberglass boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded with about 25 people on board, all exposed to the elements, no fuel, no Life Saving Appliances available.
These people are requesting to be rescued.

It is ascertained that the distress phase exists as the persons on board are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost and require immediate assistance.

MV Ocean Viking tried to contact competent authority to report above situation.

At 01:00 UTC MV Ocean Viking called via Sat Phone ITMRCC via Satellite phone. Informed that we are providing assistance to the distress case.

This is a case of force majeure (ref. SOLAS Art. IV (b)) imposing to retrieve persons in danger of being lost at sea, as stipulated by the relevant International Maritime Conventions, therefore MV Ocean Viking will proceed to the assistance of these persons in distress, while keeping competent RCCs duly informed.

Please acknowledge receipt of this message.”

Latitude: 35.3513889
Longitude: 15.95111111111111
03:23 Ocean Viking calls MRCC Rome Via Satphone to inform about the recovery. MRCC Rome acknowledges the completion of the recovery of people in distress and instructs Ocean Viking to proceed towards the Place of Safety Ancona.
03:43 Ocean Viking completes the recovery of all RHIBs and resumes course towards Ancona.

June 1, 2024

08:31 Ocean Viking docks in Ancona.
08:50 Disembarkation starts.
09:33 Disembarkation is complete.