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“The Castaways from Hell”- Testimonies collected on the Aquarius.


By August 2019, the Aquarius had saved 29,523 people, 29,523 human lives, 29,523 unique life stories. Marie Rajablat tells us the stories of some of these lives in this book. As we read, the names and faces of the people embarking on these courageous journeys come to life, and their words give meaning to a reality that was, until now, unimaginable. These women, these men, these children have experienced such violence and suffering that it is difficult, even impossible, for us to appreciate the depth of their traumas and for them to describe them. Listened to with great gentleness and sensitivity, they share all or part of their story. These narratives remind us that no-one decides to emigrate for the sake of convenience. It is always a wrench to leave one’s country, one’s land, one’s origins and one’s family.
Behind these testimonials, there are also families and loved ones: some family members have been lost at sea, others have remained behind with no news and no answers.

Read the book:


Marie Rajablat is a French psychologist. She embarked onboard the Aquarius to listen to those rescued and voice their stories out to the world. 


Cover picture: Laurin Schmid